Monday, March 30, 2009

Think Differently and Act Positively

Ankit Nagori

India is on a verge of a change. At least we hope that the there is some. I am not talking just about the elections. Its just a small part of the bigger scheme of things. If we look back at last 3-4 years, India surely has made some steady progress in various fields. But as we progress, we have to gear up for newer and bigger challenges.
Economic downturn, Terrorism and Global Warming etc are some problems which all countries in the world are facing and being an active member in the international fraternity, India has to contribute in its own way to deal with all these problems.Definitely internal issues, like poverty, illiteracy and discrimination are also very serious and all governments, state and central, are trying their bit to counter these. Surely, a lot more needs to be done and all our political leaders, young or old, regional and national have these issues right on the top of the list.The challenges which I am talking about are a little abstract and there might not be any concrete solutions to them.
A few years back, India was tagged a third world country. Our people never dreamt of competing with the USA's and the UK's of the world. Slowly things changed, more and more Indians started getting recognised on global platforms. India was identified as the IT destination of the world. India did better in all fields. And suddenly now we are in a state where we have started comparing ourselves to the USA or to China for that matter.This is a situation which can actually lead a lot of complexity. Not on political terms but in the minds of the youth of the country. We all want to be the best in the world. We want to beat USA in the GDP count and China in the terms of being the leading international destination of the world.Even as we have achieved a lot in last few years, we have to realise our limitations. Practically we may not be able to overtake USA economy in 100 years to come. We may never be able to beat China in the prices. And this is where we need a reality check.
Should we be really competing against nations. We might not be. But in case some of us are, then we should be ready to take the failures in our stride positively. Sometimes over estimating our potential leads to cases where people are not able to take failures positively and this only leads to a situation where we start fearing competition and start feeling that we are up against invincible. This is one challenge that our nation faces. We don't want our youth to start believing that we cannot overtake USA or China.America and China are both very different from us. These countries ride high on innovation. Innovation is the key to all successes. And this should also be the mantra of the lives of our youth as well. If we have to move ahead, we ought to have out of the box thinking. We should start thinking differently and in this process start acting positively. We will face failures, but that should not deter us from our path. Success only comes from a positive frame of mind, out of the box thinking and persistence.
And if we try to tackle the problems of our nation through this mindset, we may actually succeed in eradicating poverty, illiteracy and terrorism quicker than most of the countries. And then no one would stop us from being the best in the world!

Jai Hind!

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